RIM includes following departments:
- Design and Quality Engineering Department (D&QED)
D&QE Department is responsible for preparing all mechanical and electrical machines designs. Identify machines production needs (material and parts). Build the machine by combine the pre-prepared parts together. Finally, preparing, and installing programs to control machines operation.
In addition, the department is responsible for testing machines efficiency and ensures their compliance with production and safety requirements. applying advanced EU quality standards concern food and machine manufacturing.
- Production Department
Production department responsible for producing machines parts based on pre-prepared engineering designs. This includes cutting, turning and forming all mechanical & metal parts by using advanced equipment, digital CNC machines and very professional technicians.
- Warehouses and Procurement Department:
Warehouse department responsible for purchasing, storing and controlling all materials and parts needed for processing.
- Sales Department:
Sales Department responsible for approaching local and international customers by using a variety of promotional tools and marketing means for the purpose of accomplishing targeted sales and insuring customer satisfaction.